Churches on the Streets

Churches on the Streets description from their website:
"We are a faith based, 501(c)3, non profit organization. A collaboration of people who love God and believe according to His word that we're to help the poor, the lost and the hurting. We do not have a building, we are the church in action. We help not only the homeless and the hurting but our focus is also ministering to children in vulnerable communities, human trafficking rescue and restore education and disaster relief."
From Nathan (Youth Minister):
"I have been serving with Churches on the Streets since before starting as the Youth Minister at McKnight. As soon as I started here, I thought of ways to get the youth group involved in this incredible mission. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a Spirit-led mission that brings glory and honor to God. Our students have enjoyed serving in this mission, but we want to see more! Typically a parent comes with the student, but doesn't have to. We also have volunteers who don't even have students in the youth group, they just want to serve -- totally acceptable as well! This will most likely push you out of your comfort zone, like it did for me, but man has God blessed me and many others through our initial discomfort. Please pray and think about how God might use you in this mission."
We meet at the church building around 5:15pm and head out sometime between then and 5:30pm. We meet the organization downtown around 6pm and head out to serve. We go to 2 or 3 spots to serve, with one of the spots typically always being in front of the St. Louis Arch (it's the best spot - usually the final spot). There are usually volunteers from around the area that come serve with us as well. We drive to a spot and prepare to hand out hot meals, clothes, hygiene kits, and more. We never stray away from the trucks/vans, never go off by ourselves, and are well protected from the organization. Reach out to Nathan with any questions!