Ministry Staff

Jeff Kryder  1433200832_Email

JeffJeff is the McKnight Crossings Senior Minister. After training in the St. Louis Spiritual Internship, Jeff moved to Hartford, Connecticut to start a church and serve as minister and church planter. In 1992, Jeff moved back to St. Louis as a trainer for the St. Louis Spiritual Internship, assisting with the sending of mission teams across the world. For a number of years, Jeff was the preaching minister for the Mid-County Church. Jeff has a B.S. degree in Engineering Science from Vanderbilt University and an M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling from the University of Saint Joseph.

Jeff and his wife, Becky, are blessed with three grown children, and eight grandchildren. In addition to spending time with the grandkids, Jeff loves golf, the Cardinals, and storytelling. Contact Jeff at 314-962-7026.


Jeff McGlawn  1433200832_Email

JMcGlawnFinal2Jeff McGlawn is the McKnight Crossings Interim Children's Minister. He grew up in St. Louis (the answer to STL folks is "Fox High School"). He has a degree in Youth and Family Ministry from Harding University. He spent 9 years doing mission work in Debrecen, Hungary, running an English Bible School and building the church before returning to the States in 2006.

His alter ego works for Edward Jones, as a mild-mannered Business Analyst. Jeff has a wife, Beata, and 3 kids, Greta, Szofia, and Ethan. Contact Jeff at 314-962-7026.


 Nathan Strickland 1433200832_Email

Nathan.JPGNathan is the McKnight Crossings Youth Minister. His primary responsibilities are to set a direction and vision for the youth ministry, build and maintain relationships with the youth and their families, and help the youth learn about and grow in their relationship with God everyday.

Nathan enjoys playing and watching basketball, going bowling, mini golfing, going out for coffee and ice cream, and spending time with the youth group. Contact Nathan at 314-962-7026. 




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