MXteens | Get Involved

Text Messages

Text Nathan
First and foremost, exchange contact info with Nathan when you see him on Sunday. He'll tell you everything you need to know!

Remind texts are our primary form of communication.
Text “@mxteens” to 81010 to sign up for Remind texts. Standard text rates apply. Remind is a mass messaging service that we use to communicate information to students and parents regarding upcoming events and general things to know!



GroupMe is our primary form of digital relationship-building and communication with students. We have three separate GroupMe chats that are “officially” associated with MXteens. One for fun conversation and relationship building, the second strictly for event info, and the third for event photo sharing. Download the app, then text Nathan to have him add you to the GroupMes!


Social Media

Instagram: Follow us at @mxyg_cool 

Facebook: Follow us at McKnight Crossings Youth Ministry 



Parents, we definitely recommend doing a little research when it comes to deciding whether or not your student is ready to have the social media apps listed above. Apps like GroupMe, Instagram, and Facebook can open doors to unsafe online environments for your child if they are used incorrectly. It’s important to talk with your student about how to use these apps safely BEFORE letting them download and use them. You know your child and what they can and can’t handle better than anyone! 

Click here to view one of our favorite resources on internet safety. There is a review of every social media app through the eyes of a parent. Check it out to learn the ins, outs, and safety concerns and features for the apps your kids are using! 

Pay special attention to Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and GroupMe. These are especially popular right now!


Join us Sunday at 
