Spring Retreat 2024

Theme - (310x200) image

March 8, 2024 to March 10, 2024

7:30pm – 11:30am

Location: 6266 Big River Heights Rd, Desoto, Missouri 63020

Category: Youth Ministry | Coordinator: Nathan Strickland

(Sign up on Church Center!)

The youth group is heading down to our beloved Camp Neotez for an annual Spring Retreat, March 8-10. The theme is "Go and Tell," based off of Mark 5:19. Here are the Logistics:

  • For those who'd like a ride to camp, we'll leave at 6:30pm on Friday, March 8th
    • Dinner will not be served on Friday night, so eat before we leave. We will have snack time on Friday
  • We should leave from camp at about 10:45am on Sunday, March 10th, getting us back to the church in time for parents to take their kids home
  • The cost is $75 per student 
    • Sibling Discount - $65 for a 2nd child, $50 for a 3rd child
    • You can pay with Cash, Check, or PayPal (please pay the processing fee!)
  • You need to register by February 25 to claim a Retreat T-shirt
  • FINAL sign up deadline is March 6

Packing List:

  • Warm clothes (early March can be chilly)
  • Bedding (sheets, blankets, pillow) / Sleeping bag
  • Toiletries / towels 
  • Paper Notebook / Paper Bible (no phones will be allowed during our sessions - read the cell phone policy below)
  • Water bottle
  • Flashlight (if desired)

Student Registration Forms
Every student must have their 2023-24 Student Registration Form filled out to attend Spring Retreat (or any trip for that matter). Please fill one out and give it to Nathan beforehand. Grab one from the Canteen or find the form on our MXYG | Linktree or MX Youth Church Center page, print it out, fill it out, & turn it in.

Cell phone Policy:
This will be a very limited phone possessing retreat. We want our students to disconnect from the world and focus on the retreat. That being said, phones will be taken up at our first session on Friday night at 8:15pm. They will be given back after lunch on Saturday, and be able to use them until dinner time at 6pm (roughly 5 hours of phone time, if desired). They will be taken back in preparation for our third session after dinner. Phones will be given back for good once we leave from camp at 10:45am on Sunday morning. (There may be times that we give phones out at non-scheduled times - depending on the circumstances).
Parents, if you need to contact your child for any reason during the no-phone hours, please reach out to me or the other adults that will be present. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the phone policy, please let me know.

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