Here's how YOU can serve our youth!
There are many ways for our church members and families to serve and pour into our youth. Check out our list below:
Sunday Morning Bible Teachers
During the school year on Sunday mornings, we meet in the Canteen after church to start class. We give announcements and updates, and then we split the Middle School and High School into 2 classes. Nathan takes the Middle Schoolers into the Cafe for class, while a volunteer teaches our High Schoolers in the Canteen. Our typical way of rotating is teaching monthly, so a volunteer will teach for 4-5 Sundays for the current month and then we will bring in someone else (unless that volunteer wishes to keep teaching). Let Nathan know if you'd like to teach our High Schoolers and he will get you the curriculum!
"Church Family Initiative" Hosts
The "Church Family Initiative" is our way to get our students to know our church members, and vice versa. Through programs such as SALT or THEO, we will meet in church members' homes to get to know our church family better and truly be a family. SALT and THEO are each held once a month from September to May, so we have a lot of opportunity to get into your homes! There may also be times where we host a different kind of event at someone's home. Please let us know if you'd like to host the Youth Group and we will get you on the calendar.
Trip Chaperones
It is always vital to have more than the Youth Minister on trips, especially overnight trips. We would love for other adults to pour in and be present with our students on trips - whether it's a 3 hour event somewhere or to a conference or retreat.
Snack / Meal Providers
It's always a big help when volunteers can provide snacks / appetizers / desserts for events. We also love having volunteers help cook meals for different occassions. If this is something that interests you, please let us know!